Abundance is a State of Mind


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Abundance is a State of Mind

Today you are encouraged to see the riches in your life - and not just the material ones. We have a tendency to measure how rich we are by the things we have and the certificates on our wall. When we do this, though, we are measuring our own worth and there’s a danger that we will never feel good enough.

The universe doesn’t measure us at all. As far as it’s concerned, we are all perfect because within us there’s a perfect spark of splendour - an extension of divine love itself.

You may not feel perfect, or rich, but you are richer than you think. What blessings do you have? What gifts do you have?

Everything you ‘have’ on this Earth is just an external representation of how rich you feel within. You can never be rich if you feel poor, so it’s time to feel rich again.

Abundance is a state of mind. Today give thanks for the people, places, blessings and gifts in your life and let your soul feel rich.


‘My world is a reflection of my inner riches and it is full of abundance.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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