

Your Message
Take time to gather your thoughts and energy, because there’s a good chance that you’re experiencing a build‐up of frustration and annoyance at this time. You are a passionate, loving, and joyful being, but at the same time you don’t want to be taken for granted or underestimated. The warrior within you wants to rise up and fight, or at least prove your skills, talents, and worth, but drawing this card indicates that right now you’re not going to be respected or heard in the way that you deserve. Angel wisdom is guiding you to retreat, re ect, and compose yourself before proceeding further. So, take time to ask your angels and guides to help you compose your thoughts and your energy. Know that the divine hand of God is upon this situation and everyone involved, and there’s no need to worry about anyone’s karma but your own. Just retreat, refuel, and regain your composure.

Extended Message
This card encourages you to step into the energy of equanimity. Equanimity is a Zen‐like state in which you refrain from reacting to a situation out of fear and separation. Right now, angels of pure divine light are helping you feel guarded and guided, and encouraging you to recognize that you have an incredible force of love within you.

Deck: Angel Guide Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard

Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram:

Behind the Scenes with Angel Guide Oracle Deck Artist Jennifer Hawkyard

From Jennifer’s Blog


I remember the experience with this one so clearly. It was just after Christmas and we were nearing the finish line with the deck but I’m not ashamed to say I was feeling a little burnt out, run down and really missing the sunshine! 

My sister Face timed me whilst I was sketching this one and although I had a strong idea of what I wanted to create I suddenly plunged into an “I can’t draw!!” phase - which haunted me from time to time throughout this project. My sister being the awesome lady she is tried to convince me that I can draw and said lots of nice things to me to buoy my spirits and I wasn’t having any of it! I think I literally said something like “Stop trying to make me feel better, it’s not helping! I just need to work through this! I can’t stop I have deadlines!!!”


Anyway - she somehow didn’t hang up on me for being a difficult and emotionally fraught artist and started to tell me about her work and what was going on in the travel industry. I’m not sure how long I listened for whilst pushing through with the sketch of this piece, but by the time we were done chatting I zoomed out and looked at what I had done and was like “Hey! I can draw!”

Once the rough sketch was done the rest of this piece was smooth sailing. As I said there have been a few cards in this deck that I 
have felt like I’ve been casting around in the dark, there have been no flashes of inspiration, just me blindly chipping away at a sketch and hoping that at some point it will start to “feel” right and scared that it might never feel right. Interestingly they were often the cards with meanings that closely represented what I was feeling. Anywho - I hope you’ve enjoyed my little story about ‘composure’ or my complete lack of ;)

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