Relationships are Assignments

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Relationships are Assignments

The deeper your spiritual exploration, the deeper your need will be for honest relationships. It’s important to know that in a spiritual sense, no relationship in your life is wrong. Every relationship is an assignment.

If there are people in your life you aren’t fully resonating with, though, that’s okay. Don’t feel guilty for not being on the same page as them. In spiritual circles, when two people don’t get on, one person always says something like ‘And you’re supposed to be so spiritual!’ It’s important to know that not seeing eye to eye with someone doesn’t make you (or them) any more or less spiritual.

When you realize a relationship in your life isn’t congruent with the rest of your path and you don’t want to be associated with that person anymore, you are listening to your soul. When you decide to let go of that relationship, you are honoring divine guidance.

Instead of feeling used or abused, just be honest with yourself and the person involved. When you offer someone the gift of honesty, you take the weight of the world off your own shoulders and you offer the other person the gift of freedom.

If there’s a relationship that you are ready to let go, work on the most compassionate and appreciative way of doing that. Send the person love and gratitude for the relationship to this point. Then imagine you are cutting all of the fearful and limiting cords that are holding you both back.

In order to be more in your flow and to experience uplifting and fulfilling relationships, first of all be honest with yourself. What are you looking for? Then, if you are ready to find a connection with others who are coming from the same space you’re in, think about how you can make room for it in your life.

Give thanks for the relationships you love. Tell the people involved what you love about them, ask how you can support them and be real in your gratitude for the positive and honest connection you have.

Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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