It's safe to have Desires


It’s safe to have Desires

‘Desire’ is a powerful word. It’s an intense, fluid and exciting word. It’s not just a word – it’s a feeling, a sense of longing for something, someone, even a fantasy. In the past we have all dropped our desires and left them by the wayside, but today thois changes.

There’s a lot of false narratives running around in spirituality – that desires are bad. They’re not. They’re part of being human. You chose to incarnate as human – it’s important to be fully human in order to become fully spiritual.

The most important thing for you to know right now is that you are allowed to have desires, you are allowed to have cravings and you are allowed to experience those desires and cravings.

We all want to get somewhere in life, to reach our goals. It’s okay to want things and it’s okay to strive for something – especially if you’re on the highest road possible.

When you have a desire for something, it’s best to check it’s a healthy desire, though. So, first, ask yourself why you want it? If it’s because it’s going to make you happy or a better person, then begin to move towards it.

Most people don’t allow themselves to have desires because they feel they’re being selfish. It’s almost as though, at some deep level, they believe that if they have something, particularly something luxurious or expensive, they’re depriving someone else of it. But in receiving something, we’re bringing balance to the world.

Many of us feel that we’re constantly giving in life. We can feel that we’re giving so much of ourselves that there’s nothing else to give. When we’re receiving, the first thing that’s happening is that we’re redressing the balance. The second thing is that we’re teaching those around us that they too can receive.

The universe is happy to share its energy with us. And that energy never ceases to be, never runs out and can never die. There is more than enough energy in the universe for everyone and that energy is the creator of all things. Today, realize that there is no lack in the heart of the creator and there is no need to have lack in your life.

When you decide to honor your desires, you give yourself permission to dance with the universe and receive support for your growth and happiness.

You are encouraged to have a date with your desires today.

Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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