The Universe has a Better Plan

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The Universe has a Better Plan

Sometimes it can be very easy to be pulled into the mindset that life is working against you, but it’s not! The universe is always working with your intentions so that you experience what is for your highest good, rather than what you think you want.

The Universe wants you to be happy, abundant, and fulfilled.

It loves you more than words can describe.

Let it support you.

In order to Raise Your Vibration, you want to develop this strong relationship of trust with the power of the Universe – knowing that it is always working for you and towards your highest good is essential.

There are going to be times when you get carried away with a situation or when fear gets in the way, but know the passionate emotions that rise inside of you are ok and a reminder that you care deeply about whatever situation you are in. Having emotionally overwhelming moments does not tamper with your overall vibration, so don’t let a challenging moment stand between you and the peace you deserve.

If you feel like having a tantrum or a meltdown is the only way to bust through the blocks of the emotions you are feeling – find a place for you to have the privacy you need and then let it out. When you have an emotional clear out, you create more space for you to regain your composure and move into an energy of calm.

Once you’ve let out all the emotions you needed to let go – you create more space for how you want to feel and experiencing the support the Universe can offer you.

If you are in a situation that feels stagnant, or you feel is going ‘wrong’ know that the Universe always has a greater plan. Do not let your ego or fears make you think your prayers or not answered or your manifestations are not unfolding.

When you put your energy out there – the Universe is responding. If you put it out there and then snap into impatience, you’re going to be made to wait. This is where change is required.

Be open to that greater plan. Be open to shifting your perception.

That’s how you Raise Your Vibration.

So, today, choose to know that you are being supported, held, and led by the presence of light that exists within you. Take several deep breaths and trust that the universe will co-operate with you when you co-operate with it. You are a team. Know it is your biggest fan, your greatest supporter, and the cheerleader of your soul.

Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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