Ciara McHugh

Ciara McHugh is an Irish Energy Healer, Celtic Shamanic Therapist and modern day Healing Priestess. She is a mentor, coach, teacher and space holder for people on their healing journey.

Ciara specialises in Angelic Reiki, Irish Celtic Shamanic therapies and loves all things crystals, sacred and nature to provide healing and guidance for living well. The healing energies she works with are all connected, divinely in communion with all of life, nature and heart consciousness source energy. Ciara’s work encapsulates soul-led healing and the healer within each person.

Ciara lives tucked away in the orchards and trees of the Co. Armagh, Northern Irish countryside and works from home in her Healing Space, both in person and on-line.

Ciara is devoted to a spiritual life and working with others on theirs and a grateful witness for all the potential someone can become to weave their life into holistic wellness.